Fuller Theological Ministry

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Life and its full panorama of impressions and experiences, whether good or bad, hold the possibility of cultivating value within us, as well as impacting our relationship with Jesus and those within our world system, as we seek to lead the next generation into union with Christ. A rule of life offers a constructive approach in harnessing certain disciplines and practices in our daily lives whereby we can be intentional about becoming all that we can be to ourselves, God and the world around us or others, God and ourselves. Components such as rest, communion, service and mission, as well as connecting with others all have the possibility of becoming part of our rule of life. However, it is important to realize that, as Fuller Theological Seminary …show more content…

If a rule of life can be likened to a trellis, then scripture will be the timber that eventually becomes the latticework. Therefore, studying and assimilating the scripture is essential to our growth and development as leaders to the sons and daughters we are called to influence and compel to greater heights in Christ. Not only did the Psalmist declare that storing up the Word in our hearts keeps us from sinning against the Lord, Paul also revealed to Timothy that “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works” (Psalm 119:11, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, King James Version). Therefore, if we aspire to accomplish, great works in God, and fulfill our callings, we must know, understand and adhere to the teaching expresses in God’s Word. Moreover, as much as we’d like to dismiss this notion, Scazzero (2014) exclaimed that “we live in a culture shaped by the beast” (p. 43). Hence, knowing the Word of God allows us to discern the error we will encounter in our daily lives as we traverse through this world, which can often be confusing and deceptive. Furthermore, the Bible also proclaims, though perhaps in a different context, that “my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6, King James Version). This scripture is evident within my own personal purveyance of life deductions, as I notice that others are quite inattentive to the spiritual world around us—that we have an opponent who is warring against our testimony and keeping the world in the grips of an illusion that God isn’t real through busyness and distraction, which ultimately keeps people from ever discovering the living

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