Frozen Pizza Factory

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Alexander J. Mendoza
CTA 2: Managing Quality Inside a Frozen Pizza Factory
1. Describe how one might define quality in relation to a frozen pizza. What are the key aspects and other attributes of quality for the frozen pizza?
After watching the video I believe that the term quality is defined as the aptitude to satisfy or implement the potential need. The quality attributes from the video for the food products for food safety attributes contain a food borne on pathogens, either thick metals or toxins, soil or water contamination. The nutrition attributes would contain the calories, fat, and the percent on cholesterol, plus the sodium and minerals. The sensory attributes focuses on the texture of the tenderness and on the taste. It …show more content…

For example, the input, process, and the outputs controls. The “IN” depicts the arriving raw products and by testing the product one is guaranteeing that the provider is certified. The “Process” provides the inspection by an individual who is inspecting the shapes and sizes to depict if the dough is pressed shaped correctly. The machines are the distributers by distributing the tomato sauce on the base, monitoring the temperature, and weighing the product. The “Out” refers to as the inspected and finished product before the shipping. Overall, the testing on the detectors are considered high standard when testing each one out to confirm the sensibility. Also, the additional layer that maybe added to the detectors will require an access code for safety reasons for unauthorized alterations.
3. List quality control tools (e.g. cause and effect diagrams) that may be used by Northern Foods.
After watching the video I believe the controls tool that are used by Northern Foods are: control and trend charts, histogram, flow chart, and a scatter diagram. A scatter diagram is used for analyzing relationship of two distinct variables in a horizontal or vertical axis. A histogram is use for the distribution for numerical data. The control chart is used for as an analysis tool. The flow chart is a type of diagram that indicated the workflow or process flow, and showing the exact

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