Friendship In Charlotte's Web

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“You have been my friend. That in itself is a tremendous thing.” Charlotte - Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White
The unexpected pairing of friends is a common theme found throughout literature, as it is so true in life. True and important as it brings down the barriers of racism, social inequality, gender stereotyping, ageism, religion and even species. In Charlotte’s Web we explore how friendships can bring out the best in us, how it affects our destiny and can even potentially save our lives. Friendship offers us tremendous opportunities with tremendous people as we navigate through our everyday experiences. And what is so amazing is that the bonds of friendship can grow deeper and be stronger than the binds of society’s norms, views and expectations. …show more content…

E.B. White’s Charlotte’s Web is a beautiful illustration of how friendship goes beyond our expectations. Although Charlotte’s Web is a children’s novel, it clearly demonstrates what true friendship looks like and how it can shape one’s life. A young pig named Wilbur, alone in the barn and destined to become Christmas dinner, meets Charlotte, a caring, wise and loyal spider. Together they are tremendous friends that bring out the best in and are always there for each other. Charlotte devoted so much of her life to Wilbur, treating him like the son she’d never know. Using her creative talent, she would spin words into her web, making Wilbur famous and ultimately saving his life. Wilbur thrived in the spotlight and his devotion and admiration for his dear friend Charlotte were unsurpassable. In this story, the unlikely partnering of an extroverted, young male pig with an introverted adult female spider demonstrates that friendship is ageless, genderless and complimentary. Their friendship was based on mutual trust, affection and their ability to bring out the best qualities in each other - not on appearances, cultural norms, or superficial social media “likes, dislikes, groups or …show more content…

My original best friend, I met when I was three years old. For a whole year, we were inseparable; we went to school, we did dance and we had regular playdates together. When I was four, I moved across the Atlantic ocean to Canada. We had tried to maintain our friendship through video calls and letters, but, tragically, the distance was simply too great and we grew apart. As my ninth year approached, I found a new species of friends : Toxic. Contrary to the friendships I had known previously, instead of bringing out my best, these ‘friends’ brought out my worst. As fortune would have it, despite being in school with this person since kindergarten, I finally found an amazing friend in 6th grade. We had no interest in being friends at first. In the years before, we only spoke to each other out of reason. But by some crazy coincidence, we had been seated next to each other on the first day of 6th grade, and ever since, we are partners in crime. She is the shoulder I lean on, just as I am her’s, and we bring out the absolute best in each other. Not one day goes by without my wanting to see her to tell her the new things in my life and the secrets I feel that I can only share with her. She is always there to listen to me, just as I am always there to listen to her. This friendship, just like in Charlotte’s Web and The Fox and the Hound, was

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