Freedom In Brave New World

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The society in Brave New World is centered around happiness and self-pleasure. The citizens are conditioned from birth to believe that the meaning of life is to be as happy as possible for as long as possible. John, the savage from the reservation, is what we today would consider a “normal human being”. At one point in the story, John says, “But I don’t want comfort. I want God. I want poetry. I want real danger. I want freedom. I want goodness. I want sin.” He does not enjoy the current ideologies of the current world. John’s natural humanity makes him desire the imperfections of life. Mustapha Mond says that John is “claiming the right to be unhappy.” All of these items listed are considered controversial in the Brave New World society, and are connected to suffering and unhappiness.

Freedom is just one of the many things that John listed, but I believe it is a very important idea. At first, you may think that freedom equals happiness. This correlation makes sense because with ideal freedom, you are not controlled or pushed around by anyone but yourself. You get to make all decisions on your own and with only your own wants and needs to consider. While this seems perfect, freedom also causes incredible suffering - for yourself, and for others. For example, if you have …show more content…

He was not grown and raised in the twisted society of Brave New World. These traits are a part of our society today, so we should not have a hard time imagining his view towards them. Mustapha Mond does not understand how we can accept the unhappiness that these things bring into our lives, while still enjoying ourselves. This is one of the biggest ways that the Brave New World society is flawed. The reality is that no matter how “unhappy” these aspects of life are, life as we know it is no longer the same without them. We cannot function without these key ideals governing our

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