Freedom In America Research Paper

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Freedom is one of our most precious resources. People are either born into freedom, or fight to gain it. We’ve seen it many times before, with women’s suffrage and abolitionists. This time it’s for India’s independence. We ask you, the United States, to help us achieve our goal of freedom. We need the U.S support for our freedom from the tyrannical rule of the British and help us gain rights that you gained from Britain a long time ago. Many years ago, in 1775, the United States was fighting for the same personal freedoms that we in India are fighting for today. The U.S gained those freedoms and was able to say that America was an independent nation from Britain’s rule. One of those freedoms you fought for was the freedom of religion. Here, in the United States, you decide what religion you want to practice and people don’t force you into theirs. In India, however, we don’t have that privilege. We are forced to worship a different god than the ones our great ancestors worshiped long ago. America had that same problem too, this nation was built on that ideal. It was built on the belief that you can worship whatever you wanted without being forced into a religion. That’s what we in India want for our people. That’s not the only freedom that we want. …show more content…

In India, the British government controls all of our information that we read. If we talk about how bad the government is economically doing, they’ll censor it or refuse to print it. They even arrest those who are brave enough to talk up against this cruelty. America had to deal with this too. Now you have an amendment in your bill of rights saying that the press will not be censored. We wish for India to have such a document saying that. With your help, we can gain that ability to. We have one last freedom to ask you to help us gain from the

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