Freak Out Descriptive Writing

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WHAT IT IS - I trawled for a steakhouse along the dusky 46th street filled with snarling dogs hiding in the distance. Within a few steps into the street, the glow from the restaurant façade gave radiance to the darkness. A big recessed entrance with spotlighted signage could capture my interest and felt a growing curiosity how the food inside would taste like. This meat specialist seems quite ready to join the steak battle among the meat hunters in town. They apparently serve imported meat without hefty price tags. Whether for premium meat dinner or a civilised drink, Steak Out should be on your list.

ATMOSPHERE - The first impression of this place was lovely, having smiling greeters at the front door. Immediately as we set foot inside, we were greeted by the cocktail bar with a number of wine glass hanging on the rack and a wide selection of wine. Then, we were seated straightaway at the corner booth with leather seats. Our dinner date was quite romantic-could steal glances through the floor-to-ceiling tinted glass wall which is render with timber cladding. The overall has a casual and laid-back atmosphere with comfortable brown leather seats and marble tables. The dining area is spacious and relaxed with the …show more content…

So I picked medium rare tenderloin (22000Ks) with seasoned potato wedges and roasted cauliflowers. It was a pity that they didn't serve any bread for appetizers. Despite an underwhelming start, the arrival of house cut tenderloin could wash away all of my dissatisfaction. The meat is perfectly cooked, red in the middle as I ordered. It's a pleasant feeling in your maw to enjoy chewy, juicy and tender bites. The texture, flavor and all the elements inside form a wonderful melodic harmony. It was a small portion but perfectly accompanied by a serving of cauliflower and generous amount of wedges. It thoroughly met and surpassed my expectations as I had the best steak in Yangon so

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