Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis Food Quotes

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Gregor, in “The Metamorphosis”, was working as a travel salesman to pay off his parents’ debt to his boss, which was taken for granted by his family. However, all that changes as Gregor goes under metamorphosis. Now his family is forced to take care of him that is viewed as a burden. Gregor’s sister, Greta, picks up the responsibility of feeding him. He rarely eats the food which in his own words is explained as “realize it was not from any lack of hunger and bring him in some other food that was more suitable?” (Kafka II par.7) although he felt “urge to rush forward from under the couch, throw himself at his sister's feet and beg her for something good to eat.” (Kafka II par.7) He never once did so. These direct quotes show us not just the

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