Frank Romero Essay

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Frank Romero was allowed to paint a mural on the 101 freeway and he did so naming his work " Going to the Olympics" where he painted brightly colored cars on a road which appears to be in LA. There are beautiful palm trees swinging in the breeze. A heart is placed above each car and could represent the love we have for our cars or traveling in general. The mural was brightly colored showing the scenery in LA with the things we love. The cars are most likely the things that will be remembered the most and the part of the mural which stood out the most. Romero feeling in the car culture and very clear here showing that we love our cars her and driving them is the best part. The colors set the mood for a great and happy day with the brilliant use if the bright color no part of the mural is saddening. Romero had a clear intent of placing a happy mood with the scene of our love for our cars. The brightly painted masterpiece is truly represents our L.A scenery. …show more content…

Over time his mural had been tagged over by a work crew the Caltrans which did not sit well with Romero his response was to sue. He was at no fault here this could be argued as destruction of property and not only for Romero since he was the artist of the Mural but the city as well since it technically is their property. The mural has been tagged on before and restored by the artist himself. Murals have become a well known target for graffiti taggers. This has become such a common thing that there are several organization that are dedicated to help save these murals. Instead of jailing the culprits the money could be used to restore the work which would intern save lots of money. Although many people are starting to believe this is the end of dozens of freeway murals.This is because no matter how any time the murals are restore the taggers always come back and after several restorations some taggings become un

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