Foxface Character Analysis Essay

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The Hunger Games is a dystopian themed novel written by Suzanne Collins. This novel expresses three main themes and has many characters that take part in the games. One character in particular that undoubtedly fits the theme of survival is a tribute from District 5 whose persona is Foxface. Foxface exhibits certain characteristics such as being quick-witted and her unmistakable desire to survive. Throughout the book these attributes become more recognizable. Foxface was quick to act throughout the book. Being able to think quickly allowed her to gain supplies to help her survive longer than most tributes in the games. Foxface realizes that her being clever and quick to act is an important part of her survival. “When she decides it’s safe, …show more content…

Due to her ability to think quickly, Foxface is able to move quicker than the other tributes. “The table has just clicked into place when a figure darts out of the cornucopia, snags the green backpack and speeds off. Foxface!” (283). To have the means of thinking quickly and acting quickly on her feet is one of the reasons she is still alive. Her ability to outlast the other tributes is starting to become clear to the other tributes. “Leave it to her to come up with such a clever and risky idea! The rest of us are still poised around the plain sizing up the situation and she’s got hers” (283) Quick thinking is a huge part in outliving other tributes. In relating to the theme of survival a man that goes by the name of Victor Frankl, wrote a book called A Mans Search For Meaning. Fankl was a prisoner during World War II in a Nazi concentration camp. “ He survived because he had a meaning to his life and something to accomplish.” (Shaughnessy, Mike. 2015) Connecting to The Hunger Games, Foxface has a goal to accomplish, which is to stay alive. In addition, Foxface’s drive to outlive the others has helped her reach the final parts of The Hunger Games. Dystopian novels such as The Hunger Games have three main themes. An example would be the theme of survival. In The Hunger Games a character known as Foxface shows the attributes that place her

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