Four Major Cuisine

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Chinese traditional culture is the evolution of the Chinese civilization and bring together into a reflection of the national character, style of the national culture, national history which is on the various ideologies and cultures. The overall performance of ideology that refers to living in China within the Chinese nation and its ancestors created for the development of the Chinese nation inherited from generation to generation, with distinctive ethnic characteristics, long history, profound connotation, and excellent traditional culture. It is the result of Chinese civilization for thousands of years, in addition to the core content of Confucian culture, but also includes other cultural forms, such as the Taoism, Buddhism, and so on.

Four Major Cuisine in China
China is a huge country of food culture, a long time in a certain area because of the geographical environment, climate, natural resources, cultural traditions and national customs and other factors, some genetic inheritance relationship is formed, similar flavor dishes, high visibility, and is a favorite of some people the well-known genre called local flavor cuisine. Among them, Shandong, Sichuan, Jiangsu cuisine and Cantonese cuisine, enjoy called "Four Major Cuisine” in China.

Yue (Guangdong, Cantonese) Cuisine(粤菜)
Yue cuisine, also known as Guangdong cuisine originated in Lingnan, generalized from Guangzhou dishes, East River, Chiu Chow. Then, it evolved to Guangzhou cuisine represented with late start, but it is far-reaching, Hong Kong, Macao and other countries in the restaurant. Yu cuisine and French cuisine are around the world par. Basically Yu cuisine is the primary Chinese cuisine that we mostly eat in abroad. Cantonese is considered repres...

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...ucture is delicate. Clear broth and milk white and fragrant soup is used well to use spices and onion. Plus, close to the sea with many fish and seafood dishes are also being characterized. The represented dishes of Shandong: bird's nest soup, braised sea cucumber, sweet and sour Yellow River carp, nine-turned large intestine, double fried crisp, boil pork and so on.
Su (Jiangsu, Huaiyang) Cuisine(蘇菜)
Su cuisine (referred to Jiangsu cuisine) started in the Northern and Southern. Tang and Song Dynasties promoted economic development and prosperity in the catering industry. Jiangsu cuisine became one of the two pillars "Southern food." During Ming and Qing Dynasties, Jiangsu cuisine from north to south along the canal, and everything along the Yangtze River development more rapidly. Expanded geographical advantage coastal Jiangsu cuisine influence at home and abroad.

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