Foundation Camp Observation Report

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Have you ever been interested in counseling little kids or working to serve the Lord? Living Waters Bible Camp holds a training every summer for youth and young adults to learn and strengthen their skills in ministries with children. This program is designed specifically for those interested in developing a solid foundation for growing in their spiritual life. Foundation Camp (FC) is a two week intense Bible Study and personal assessment that will reveal both your strengths and weaknesses. You learn about: spiritual gifts and inductive Bible studies, you’ll develop your life map, learn about and experience sharing your faith and much more! You will also receive feedback as to how and where to use your gifts and abilities in the future at Living …show more content…

The training started on a Saturday and ended two Saturdays after. When we arrived on the first Saturday, we got to know each of the members and talked about why we wanted to attend this program. Next, the staff and directors of the two-week training, directed us to a field, about a mile away from where we first met. They said to meet them down there in five minutes. A panic alarm went off in my head. I thought, “Are you kidding me? Get to a field that is far away in five minutes??” I dropped everything and took off running. The rest of the group followed and we started on our way. Once we started running, we heard a noise behind us, that sounded like a car or golf cart. It was the leaders of the program laughing at us, telling us to hurry up, and telling us about a consequence that would be to come if we were not at the field in the time frame given to us. Thankfully, we all arrived at the field with thirty seconds to spare. We found a water fountain and we were all refreshed. Then we were given the task of moving our living quarters. We slept in covered wagons for the two weeks that we were there. Covered wagons are wagons with six beds and a narrow pathway to walk. No plumbing, no air conditioning, but we did have electricity, in order to use a fan. These wagons were on metal wheels and were heavy. Each took the whole group to push and there were five of them. By this time it was five o’clock, which meant supper. We were thankful for the

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