The Cherokee People Summary

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The Story of the Cherokee People by Tom B. Underwood

According to historians, ancient people traveled across a land bridge in Alaska and moved down the continent of North America, eventually making it into South America. We refer to these people as Native Americans or Indians. The number of tribes that existed before the European settlement of the New World could have been in the thousands. Many are tribes that we have studied in social studies classes in grade school. Tribes such as the Shawnee, Apache, Shoshoni, Comanche, Souix, Iroquois, Navajo, and the Mandan are just a few of them. But I think all of us have heard about a group of Indians from the Southeastern United States called the Cherokee Indians. The Cherokee Indians and …show more content…

The social structure consisted of seven clans-Bird, Paint, Deer, Wolf, Blue, Long Hair and Potato. All clan members were considered blood brothers and sisters. They were led by two chiefs-a war chief and a peace chief. One of the most important festivals was the fire festival. It was held at the end of the old year and the beginning of the new year. Fires were put out and fire places were cleared of ashes. Part of the fire festival was a game called The Little War. It was a very rough game where sticks and a ball was used. It resulted in many people getting broken bones, The planting of corn and harvest time were also celebrated with elaborate festivals. The Cherokee believed that all living things lived in the sky in the beginning. They believe The Great One punished man for bad deeds and separated the heaven and earth. He put man on the earth. The first mountains on the earth were the Great Smoky …show more content…

But the food wasn't the type they were used to eating. So they became physically weakened and became sick easily. As result, many died of malnutrition. Some died of heartbreak. A few mountain Cherokee hid out in the forests. They refused to leave and escaped into places the soldiers could not find or get to. A few years later, the government created a Cherokee Indian Reservation called Qualla Indian Reservation. This group was known as the Eastern Cherokee. It was a chilling rain in October when they were forced into wagons or walked on foot and began their journey west. Many of these helpless people did not have blankets and were barefoot. The weather turned cold and snowy. They had to sleep on the ground or in wagons with no fire. Many died of pneumonia, exposure to the cold, or poor

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