For President Kennedy Epilogue Summary

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For this assignment, I deliberately searched for a vintage article during a time when journalism was in its heyday and not subject to so much popular ridicule in social media and elsewhere as it is so often today. The piece I chose is “For President Kennedy: An Epilogue” written by former American political journalist and historian Theodore H. White for LIFE magazine’s December 6, 1963 issue. The author’s personal interview of First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy – conducted at her behest exactly one week following President Kennedy’s assassination -- forms the basis for the journalistic essay and is part of a series of pieces by White known historically as the “Camelot Documents.” That White penned this essay with editorial suggestion and oversight from the grieving First Lady was reported around the time of the piece and is also widely available background information now. Together, White and Kennedy strove to inform readers about the impact of JFK’s death and his approach to the presidency overall, with Kennedy adding an element of persuasion since it is she who persistently drove home the first-ever “Camelot” references.1 White and Kennedy’s meeting Jackie’s initial interview after her husband’s death. At the time the essay was published, the audience was every LIFE subscriber and prospective reader in America and around the …show more content…

In actuality, White tempered Jackie’s account of the assassination aftermath likely to spare the general LIFE readership of some of the more unseemly details. For example, in other pieces White wrote including his memoirs, White stated that Jackie also referred to a “piece of his [JFK’s] skull coming off” in her lap along with the blood and red roses and how the piece was “flesh colored not white” and “this perfectly clean piece [was] detaching itself from his head…” as he was scrawled across her

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