Food Waste Food Essay

1673 Words4 Pages

Main topic: Water, food and agriculture
What are the issues about waste of food and what can we do to eradicate the food waste?
Table of contents
­ Source list
­ What I think about waste of food
­ What are the issues and what can we do to prevent the waste
­ The scale of the waste of food situations.
­ Compared to the waste in Denmark?
­ The consequences?
­ What can we do to help?
­ Possible solutions
­ Conclusion
Waste of food sources
­­food/the­impact­of­food­waste­on­climate­change­and­just­ about­everything­else.html
­­waste­causes­losses­throughout­the­ …show more content…

Honestly I think waste of food is one of the worlds greatest problems, First I thought it was okay, because there was enough food, so you could throw away the food you did not like. But if you look around there are waste of food everywhere, and that is a problem because there are starving people all over the world. I think we should spread the food better so it actually could be eaten instead of thrown out. I started wondering about it for a little while ago. I was started on this continuation school and we always have a great big menu there are something everybody likes. But I fast came to my …show more content…

Camilla Mangor water food and agriculture
What are the issues about waste of food and how can we prevent the waste of food?
“Over 100 million tonnes of food are wasted annually in the EU (in 2014, and If nothing is done, food waste is expected to rise to about 126 million tonnes by 2020.”­Source
Reasons to food waste:
1) Food is wasted because well some people can, for them food is cheap it might only take out a tiny part of their budget!
2) Because we care about looks, we have expectations to the way our food looks.
3) We are raised with the opportunity for selecting the foods we want to eat.
The scale of the waste of food situations. Every year, consumers in industrialized countries like U.S.A and France waste almost as much food as the entire net food production of sub­Saharan Africa (222 million vs. 230 million tons). The amount of food lost and wasted every year is equal to more than half of the world’s annual cereals crops (2.3 billion tons in 2009/10). That is a huge problem when so many people are starving every day. More exactly 805 million humans are starving every day. The world ́s population (7,300,000,000) divided by the number of starving people

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