Fofo Alternate Ending

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Maybe it was her exotic cinnamon-colored skin or maybe it was her yellow, green, and white checkered shirt, either way Laticia should’ve expected the stares. Sighing, she sets down the top hat open-side up and pats her fluffy corgi on the head “Just another day of work isn’t it Fofo?” Fofo only responds with a lick on her hand causing Laticia to smile tiredly. Turning away from the lazy corgi Laticia picks up her unicycle and hops on cycling back and forth to keep her balance. It’s a slow day it seems with only a few coins dropped in the hat in 3 hours; on days like these Laticia regrets ever thinking she could make it solo as a street performer. A high pitched scream pierced the silence of the afternoon “HELP!” Fofo paused his rolling around to look for the source of the scream; Laticia paused her juggling as well to search for the source. “HELP!” was screamed again orienting Laticia and Fofo towards the origin. …show more content…

Let’s check this out” commands Laticia as she started cycling towards the screams trusting that Fofo would follow. Speeding down the paved path Laticia’s dark curly hair flies back in the wind followed by a warm gust wind. As the duo nears the local outdoor market, Laticia spots a thin, lanky man racked with shakes unsteadily holding a gun pointed at a young woman. “You-you destroyed m-my my life” he

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