Focus Group Discussion Essay

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Focus Group Discussion:
Focus group discussions share many of the components of individual interviews. However, as the name suggests, enquiry takes place within small groups- usually involving 6-10 respondents. Discussion is guided by a facilitator, and it is best way to have an observer to take notes.
Focus Group discussions are used primarily to investigate rang of opinions or practices, or normative aspects of behavior. Focus Groups permit explanation of ways in which people interact in discussion of a topic, and of the extent of agreement in opinion and attitude. One advantage of focus group discussion over individual setting is the greater breadth of ideas, opinions, and experiences that are likely to be expressed (Collumbien, Busza, Cleland …show more content…

In my study area, women in different households get together and they discuss with multiple issues, so I have utilized this chance.
Focus group discussion is generally less appropriate than individual interviews for investigation of very sensitive issues like – women’s perceptions on their reproductive illnesses, and different types of sensitive socio-cultural issues which shaped these reproductive illnesses. I carefully consider the ethics of including sensitive topics for discussion and for this reason I have use other more appropriate ways of data collection. But focus group discussions are sometimes viewed as more attractive than individual interviews because they are easier and cheaper to conduct for the same number of respondents but the information which are found from this technique, not enough reliable.
Collecting data from focused group discussion, I have chosen 45 individual women 5 groups. This individuals are differed from one another by socio-economic position such as education, occupation, ages of marriage, power practicing, and like so others indicators. The following table shows the different ages respondents for focus group

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