Flora Carlin's Argumentative Analysis

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Because of ”tethering” only on smartphones, distraction could be the sereve problem to adolescents. Regarding smartphones offer many accesses to social media where most adolescents could look for something interesting and people like them, they are willing to check their phone constantly. Flora Carlin explores that when checking and focusing on smartphones, the stress of temporary distraction may create potential long-term brain damage. According to “a big concern is not just how teens are using their phones but rather the ‘technological anxiety’ and nomophobia (the feeling someone gets in the absence of their phone), that distract them from other tasks”. It’s a big concern that smartphones are making adolescents less capable of resisting urges. …show more content…

Moreover, adolescents must be careful to not lose the interconnection with people who are physically around them. While communicating via social media and smartphones might be fun and more convenient, it is also harmful to social skills. Flora Carlin demonstrates that adolescents alike are losing their abilities to understand and pay attention to one another because of the disjointed and solitary nature of electronic communications. And these are the abilities are essential for social skills to have interconnection with people in reality. Carlin tells “Smartphone-wielding teens have been portrayed as reclusive, lacking in empathy, and even incapable of having ‘real’ relationships with friends or romantic partners. The fear is that smart phone use discourages—or replaces—healthy behaviors, including face-to-face interactions”. Long tethering of smartphones makes adolescents mentally ill and socially isolated. Perhaps they don’t realize that they are described as reclusive and lacking in empathy. The term “Smartphone-wielding teens” is really impressing because it completely explores the issue that adolescents use smartphones

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