Flannery O Connor's Everything That Rises Must Converge

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How and why is a social group represented in a particular way?
Thesis: In Flannery O’Connor’s “Everything That Rises Must Converge”, traditional “manly” qualities are considered obsolete because they lack all manner of chivalry, they do not seem to care for their family members, and they commit to their own selfish desires at the expense of their family members.
Topic Sentence: Condemning his mother’s insensitivity and obliviousness makes Julian feel righteous and just.
“I hope this teaches you a lesson.” (O’Connor, 419)
Julian views himself as the open-minded son of a narrow-minded mother and because of this he believes that it is his duty to promote civil rights and very exaggeratedly welcomes desegregation.
“She can wear the same hat …show more content…

“You got exactly what you deserved.” (O’Connor, 418)
While Julian acts infuriated and embarrassed when his mother tries to give the black boy a nickel, he believes that the black woman is right when she shows violence towards his mother. Again, he comes off as hypocritical because he is not asking for respect towards his mother.
What Julian believes to be attempts at educating his mother only comes off as him believing that he is superior to his mother. This mindset relates his morality with new progressive policies while overlooking his “justice for all” idea.
“Everything That Rises Must Converge” highlights the fact that selfish political agendas that advocate social justice for larger groups and overlook smaller group, like family members, show hypocrisy.
“Don’t think that was an uppity Negro woman… That was the whole colored race which will no longer take your condescending pennies.” (O’Connor, 419)
Julian constantly celebrates every time that he can insult his mother, thinking of it as a win for social equality and a loss for the Old South.
By doing this, Julian reduces morals down to simple categories of black and

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