First Kings 8: 1-11 English Translation

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First Kings 8:1-11 narrates the construction of Solomon’s temple and the coming of the Ark into the temple. This is a critical piece of Israel’s monarchy story and was the fulfillment of King David’s dream to honor God with a holy place. Although this passage seems to be a simplistic historical account of the steps needed for the temple to be complete and dedicated to the Lord, it symbolizes Israel settling deep into the Lord’s will for them as a people for the first time in a long time. 3. Text and Translation I compared and contrasted 3 versions of this passage and found only a few differences in translation between the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV), the New International Version (NIV), and the New Living Translation (NLT). I am familiar with these translations through my church background, family preference, and academic work. Generally, whole phrases and general ideas from each translation were presented and communicated in very similar fashions with only one to two words varying to change the reading. I will be using the …show more content…

Although the authorship is unknown, many scholars believe its writer to be a priestly person and have labeled the author as a: “Deuteronomistic Historian.” Most scholars agree that First and Second Kings was written only about 100 years after the events recorded actually occurred. First and Second Kings ends this Deuteronomistic History timeline by retelling the establishing of a monarchy and building of David/Solomon’s temple for the Lord. The Deuteronomistic Historian was able to use Kings to provide closure to a bigger story and arouse a sense hope for Israel after a period of conquest, judges, and war- acknowledging the beginning of a period of Kings. With this period of Kings came direction and order, but also its own unique set

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