First Corresponder's Role In Society

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If anything is clear regarding a first responder’s role in society, it may be that nothing is a guarantee. The dangers, risks, and challenges they face both internally and externally are numerous and ever-changing. When responding to a terrorist event, a complicated network of pieces must be in play in the correct ways to ensure the most efficient and productive response possible. Even before a responder reacts to an event, there are risks and nuances which can make or break the response. Not all risks are associated with traditional terror activity, either. As first responders are agents of information collection, their reliance on others to build those information networks for a complete picture of their world is a risk in and of itself. …show more content…

The outcome of an attack, chemical or otherwise, is a culmination of choices and variables which can’t be repeated exactly even if it is as basic an attack as a single actor, single bomb scenario. Weapons of Mass Destruction, the meta-fear for any physical terrorist attack, are not just one type of weapon. They may be nuclear and make an entire area uninhabitable indefinitely. They may be ballistic or incendiary and have multiple timed releases. They may contain invisible biological components meant to infect the population with a contagion. As the world has (thankfully) not experienced many large-scale, WMD attacks, their effects on civilian populations are not well known or studied precisely because components which make up any one WMD can be combined or separated to varying effects which are also not well known or studied (FEMA, 2002). These are of course the outcomes reflecting a worse possible scenario. Other outcomes first responders may encounter may be areas where it is not known if the attack is finished. For example, if one bomb has gone off, there is the possibility for more bombs. I remember this in particular being of prime concern during the Boston Marathon bombing coverage. Even a small-scale hazardous materials accident would also prove a challenge should there be uncertainty regarding what materials …show more content…

The National Transportation Safety Board also contains hazmat incident reports. Both will be linked in the references. The examples provided give some context to the classification detailed in the materials. These resources illustrate just how vast and varied these events can be and further drive the point that the best offense is a good defense for a first responder and by extension, the

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