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The synopsis of this classic 1975 horror film consists of an earthquake that causes these bugs to emerge and wreak chaos in this little town on the Californian fault. These bugs have the capability to generate a spark with their rear end that is powerful enough to burn human flesh and cause a fire. Eventually it is discovered by Professor Partimer, the protagonist, that the bugs are dying due to the fact that the difference in pressure is killing them (since they did emerge from underground). After a quick assessment of the bug in his lab, its is deduced that the insect shows all the attributes of a cockroach. The roaches are heavily armored giving them a prehistoric appearance similar to that of an trilobite. It is concluded that it has …show more content…

But what really sets the ball in motion is when the professor's wife dies because of one of these “Firebugs” which literally lights her on fire. Professor Partimer falls into deep grief which only inclines him to go all mad scientist, and causes him to lock himself in a farm house, which is coincidentally right next to the fault to where the bugs emerge from, and deepens his research on them. But he sidetracks his research and on a whim just randomly decides to cross breed the “Firebug” and a regular household cockroach to create a strain that can survive on the surface. Which is impossible!... But since its a movie its possible. He only deduces that the firebug he has capture is a female; He hypothesised that both species are closely related they can reproduce. The reproduction succeeds and out comes an ootheca. The male doesn't make it but thats okay because what really matters is that the ootheca gets bigger and outcome Madagascan Hissing cockroaches. The cockroach has two horn protruding from his head area, and just because they eat a piece of steak it is concluded that they inkt eat meat which makes them a hybrid. The professor really loses it when at the end the bugs spell out messages and start eating him. In the end he is attacked by new fire spewing roaches that emerge from the fault and well the end(he

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