Fire Walking In Greek

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Tradition From the beginning of time, mankind tends to have rituals to prove himself worthy. From earlier times, mankind was went from battling opponents to competing in triathlons to show their true worth. Fire walking is shared by mankind walking on hot coals to prove themselves strong. Today, the practice of fire walking is common, in which it has a very positive impact on the people. The practice of fire walking in Greece leads to a better self-worth, causes a more hopeful and religious society, and results in unity. Most importantly, the practice of fire walking hpositive impact on the community because it leads to a better self worth. For example, it purifies, heals, and protects the human soul, bringing them to a good state (“The Anastenaria”). That means people who do this ritual usually come out feeling better about themselves. Similarly people are better towards each other after completing this, making them seem more like a family (“The Anastenaria”). Everyone who is feeling better about themselves would tend to act nicely to others. Furthermore this leads to long term happiness. With people having a better self-worth, there is a better society. …show more content…

Shamans and Priests come to take place in these events, showing that people within the church find it important (“The Anastenaria”). This shows that the ritual has some kind of religious factor and more hopeful people. The community like to honor Saints Constantine and Helen, going into the history of the church (“The Anastenaria”). This shows in a different way that the people of Greece are loyal to the Saints. To take part in this practice, it requires faith and knowledge (Brown). This is important to follow, because people need to have knowledge in their lives to succeed. Having a more hopeful and religious society is

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