Financial Aid Myths

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Financial Aid Myths
Every year, thousands of students and families let financial aid myths and misconceptions stop them from applying for financial aid.

You may receive a lot of advice from friends, family members, teachers and others regarding scholarships, the FAFSA, financial aid deadlines, student loans, who’s is eligible for financial aid, what to do and what not to do. Some of this information may be true, while some of the advice may be based on some financial aid myths that have circulated for years.

So before you take anyone’s advice or make any major decisions about NOT applying for financial aid to help you pay for your college education, you should get the truth from a reliable source such as your high school’s guidance counselor, a college’s financial aid administrator and/or certified financial tax advisor.

Here are some financial aid myths dispelled:

• Myth: …show more content…

However, you should still strive to earn A’s and B’s in your classes, there are many private scholarships that will require a minimum grade point average to be eligible for their scholarship. And in order to keep your financial aid for the next school year, most financial aid programs will require that you maintain an average grade point to show “satisfy academic progress” outlined by each organization.

• Myth: “Financial aid is only awarded to minorities and women”
FACT: Everyone has the opportunity to receive financial aid regardless of their ethnicity, race or gender. Now, there are some private scholarships available exclusively to minorities and women. However, the overwhelming bulk of federal student aid, state aid, school aid, and some private scholarships are not tied to students from a particular ethnicity, race or

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