Final Synthesis Essay

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Despite our shift to curiosity from science fiction to science fact, our very own inquisitive mind has instigated our speculation about the esoteric nature of reality; there are still imperfections replete with uncertainty brought by all the aforementioned theories. There’s always seems to be a missing puzzle piece that exacerbates the enigma. Truth be told, Earthlings have always been obsessed with such questions ever since the dawn of time. Humanity has enjoyed fantasizing about the possibilities of life beyond our own planet; perhaps just for the comfort of dreaming that we are not alone in this big, wide universe. The million dollar questions are: “Could these concepts be another scientific nonsense?” ‘Would these theories suffer the same fate as the Riemann hypothesis, a conjecture that still remains unsolved?”

Many physicists …show more content…

With high probability, some of these stars have Earth-like planets and if the Earth is typical, some may have developed intelligent life. But if other beings do exist, why aren’t they visiting Earth? This is the time where the Fermi paradox enters. It stated that there are a humongous number of stars in the observable universe and even if only a minuscule fraction of these planets orbiting those stars are inhabited by other beings; there is still a lofty possibility of extant civilizations. Furthermore, given intelligent life's ability to overcome scarcity, and its tendency to colonize new habitats, it seems possible that at least some civilizations would be technologically advanced; therefore, subsequently seeking out new resources in space, colonizing their own star system and, in due course, the surrounding

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