Film Studies

578 Words2 Pages

Manipulation of time is one of the main common features of all films, since early black and white cinema until nowadays-modern movies. The filmmakers use a lot of different editing techniques to manipulate the flow of time and to compress the story of the movie into an acceptable duration. Virtually all films use time compression and it is often used with a purpose to create a dramatic effect. Slow motion was invented by Professor August Musger (1868 - 1929) and is described as an action that is made to appear slower than normal by passing the film through the taking camera at a faster rate than normal or by replaying a video tape recording more slowly. A filmmaker achieves slow motion by running film through his camera at a speed faster than the standard 24 frames per second; subsequent projection at 24 frames per second slows down the action. Fast motion is just the opposite one and is explained as an action that appears to move faster than normal on the screen, accomplished by filming the action at less than normal speed in the camera and then projecting it at normal speed. A sw...

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