Film Analysis: The Horse in Motion

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Movies are a great way to take a break from your hectic life and just relax. Movies have been entertaining you and everyone around the world since the mid 1800’s. The evolution movie went from black and white pictures to color and sound to finally 3-D film. Directors, artists, and inventors took hundreds of years to just perfect putting the one by one captured pictures in a fluid motion to make a ten second movie. So, just think about trying to create the 3D effect or even how movies were created. Eadweard Muybridge was a director who made the first movie in 1878, The Horse in Motion. He used multiple cameras and put the individual pictures into a movie. Muybridge’s movie was just pictures of a galloping horse. Muybridge also invented the Zoopraxiscope,the first ever movie projector that made short films and movies. It was able to quickly project images, creating what is known as motion photography and the first movie to ever exist. To use the Zoopraxiscope a disc is put on the device and is turned. As the disc turns, the images are projected onto the screen and the movie starts ...

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