Film: Film Analysis Of The Film Contagion

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Contagion The blank screen seen with coughing heard in the background. Something is invading the unexpected lives of the people from around the world and by the time they realize how bad it is they are dead. How can one unforeseen microbe cause so much destruction that it sends the world into chaos and panic? At the beginning of Contagion (Soderbergh, 2011), the director presents the background of the disease by showing several shots around the world of people who were sick The idea presented to the audience is that people are getting ill and is dying from something. A cough heard in the background is the backdrop of something sinister is going on. Who is coughing and why, will become apparent soon, as will the fear and chaos. The fact …show more content…

Throughout the film, the director's emphasized is in the development and transmitting of the disease more than the characters who contracted the disease. In addition, the film promotes the effects of the disease not only on the physical aspect of the people but also on their emotional aspect of their lives. For example, when the people are in line for a vaccine to possibly prevent the disease, one can see the fear and anger brought on when the vaccines ran out. Furthermore, the rations for food and water brought about more emotions, fear, and the fight for survival. The concept of kill or be killed apparently at this time. The people would fight, push, and or kill to save themselves or their loved ones from this …show more content…

At the beginning of the film, the director used to background noise such as Beth coughing in at the airport, Soderbergh, also used close-up shots, full shots, and establishing shots as part of the editing showing the effects of the pandemic up close thus, capturing the audience's emotions as the disease spreads. The sequences used throughout the film made not only the film more interesting, but the staging of the sequences is what kept the audience informed as to what was going on, regarding the pandemic from around the world by using jump-cuts. To be able to see each person, coughing, gasping for air and some eventually dying as the camera moves from one scene to another helps not only with the flow of the movie, but helps show the how detrimental the disease can

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