Film Analysis: Lars And The Real Girl

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The movie Lars and the Real Girl shows the story of a man who develops a relationship with a plastic doll. He names the doll Bianca and believes that she is real. She is actually a delusion that Lars has created in his mind. The people of the town and even his own brother believe that he is crazy. Although this is the case all the townspeople pretend that Bianca is real because they all like Lars and want to help him out. In the end Lars states that Bianca keeps getting sicker. Bianca eventually has a funeral and it appears to the audience that he begins a relationship with Margo, a coworker. The movie was very interesting and I enjoyed watching it. In the film we can see that Lars had some issues in his early developmental stages. His mother died when he was born and we can see that it still affects him greatly. A physical sign is that he carries around his mother’s blanket, after asking his brother for it, although he is way past the age where it is normal to do so. When Bianca comes into the story he gives his blanket to her which shows that he is very fond of her and that he trusts her to take care of his belonging which is a precious memory of his mother. …show more content…

This shows that Bianca is a way for Lars to cope with the fear he has for Karin’s child which is caused by Lars’ loss of his own mother. Lars has lacked a motherly figure in his life. Not only that but Lars was left alone to take care of his father after his brother left the house, which his brother did as soon as possible. This is the reason why he says when someone touches him it feels like a frostbite. This is seen through his avoidance of being near people and moving when someone reaches out to touch him. He also wears gloves. He isn’t used to being touched by other people because of the lack of physical affection he had while growing up. This is not the case with Bianca though, he is able to touch her without a

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