Figure Skating Benefits

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As people get older many of them begin to get more inactive. Older peoples’ health risk increases when they stop participating in physical activities. When people get older their bone tissue is reduced, which consequently influences bones to become weaker, and commonly leading to osteoporosis. “The social aspects of sport has been confirmed by the other researchers that social engagement was the key ingredient enticing many participate in sport” (Berlin, Klenosky, 2014). Older people participate in sports to relieve stress, to have fun and to play games with improved health and fitness as an additional benefit of the activity. Older adults can live healthy and long life by involving themselves into sports which helps them to loosen their muscles …show more content…

Figure skating helps older adults to strengthen their lower leg muscles which includes hip adductors and abductors, calves and ankles. Figure skating helps older adults to improve their balance and helps maintain proper alignment of the upper body (McKay, 2014). “Many older adults are donning skates, spandex and sequins and going after golds of their own” (McKay, 2014). Older adults are very careful with their jumps and spins in figure skating and which are easy for them to do at their age compared to young adults. Older adults can fracture their bones or disturb their muscles easily when they jump or spin while skating. Figure skating is a great sport, it helps older adults to clear their mind and it is a good way to get exercise while they are enjoying their skating with a partner (McKay, 2014). Figure skating gives opportunities to older adults to meet with new partners, and they sometimes get involved in a relationship especially who are single, divorced or widowed. Figure skating is not easy for older adults as they can injure themselves if they fell on ice, so the older adults who like figure skating or participate in figure skating sport they spend their money to get training for figure skating. There are many older adults who are passionate about figure skating and they skate like young adults. When people get older they enjoy figure skating because it brings a good memory to them from their young adulthood. "It's nice to skate as an adult because you make the decisions," says Ms. Panzer. "It's your money, your time, it's not your parent telling you what to do" (McKay,

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