Figueroa's Framework Essay

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Figueroa’s framework is spilt into five main levels. Each individual level connects to each other to form the Figueroa’s framework and every level is important when it comes down to equality and differences in society. The diagram below shows the levels in order. Today the research will be conducted on the Cultural level of the framework. The cultural level is the biggest over-arching level. It also categorises with gender and social issues associated with this level. The cultural level has greatly impacted on a personal level throughout the course of Volleyball at school. The sport popularity also relates back to a personal preference. ("Figueroas Framework") The Framework was constructed to investigate racism, individuality and equality in sport and physical activity. One of the strongest decisions in choosing a sport is gender-related roles. Male or female, choosing a sport is a hard decision for both Men and women. This is because society has structured Males and Females to take part in different roles in sport. This is also shown at our volleyball lessons. It is known that men are more aggressive and involved than women in sport (McManus). This helps me realise and represent that boys are more involved in sport than women because of how society …show more content…

Usually, when you check the scores of a popular sport, only men sports will come up. This is backed up by how men are more experienced than women in particular sports. For example, there would be scores for a women’s netball game compared to a men’s netball game (Bodenner). The general representation of women sport compared to men comes down to what sport they are associated with. For instance, Men’s football is more popular than women’s football but it is the complete opposite if we compared women’s Ballet to men’s. Gender is not the only topic that influences when choosing a sport; it’s also related to their cultural

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