Fighting In The NHL

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Statistics say that so far in the 2023-2024 NHL season there has been an average of 0.26 fights per game, this is an increase from last years 0.24. The NHL (National Hockey League) was created in 1917 and the act of fighting during the match has been a major part of the hockey game since its very creation. For anyone that has been to a hockey game or seen one on television, they would know that a hockey fight is a very eventful circumstance that is unique to the NHL and the NHL only. This specific stunt has aroused much controversy over the years on whether fighting should stay in the sport or whether it should take its leave. Fighting in hockey should be backed and never removed because players fight for a purpose, fighting is a core part …show more content…

In the article titled “Why is Fighting Vanishing from the NHL?” Chris Kuc states that contrary to most opinions hockey players do not fight just for any reason there is “combat within the context of the game”. It is very common for people to think that most hockey players just decide to throw fists for no reason, but many players have specific intentions. These intentions can range from a team morale boost or to create a strategic power play, but nevertheless the fights have a purpose. Another article titled “The Pros and Cons of Fighting in the NHL” explains that when players fight due to retaliation it “brings accountability and prevents more of those dangerous plays from happening”. The quote demonstrates that the fights in hockey keep players in check and end up preventing more altercations with the …show more content…

Glenn Keays and B. Pless state in the article titled “Influence of Viewing Professional Ice Hockey on Youth Hockey Injuries” that “Even though fighting in youth leagues is banned, young hockey players constantly imitate the tactics used by professionals, both legal and illegal.” With the widely accepted display of hockey fights, kids are bound to want to be like the players they watch. Nevertheless, they are focusing on a minor detail. The article titled “Kids play hockey more skillfully and respectfully than ever, yet rough stuff still exists on the ice” by Dave Campbell describes the head coach of a varsity hockey team in Minnesota named Joe Dziedzic (former NHL player). Joe says that “There’s got to be a little bit of pushback, like, ‘Hey man, that’s not allowed.” By letting kids stand their ground and stick up for themselves it allows them to truly develop as a sportsman and find a brotherhood within each other and the team as This proves that although it is looked down upon, fighting and standing up for yourself can be better for every player in the long run. Joe Dziedzic states in the same article that “we don’t want them taking penalties, but sometimes you’ve got to win the battle to get the war done. You’ve got to establish that this is something we’re taking pride in.” The former hockey player further proves that when

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