Persuasive Essay: Should The NHL Ban Fighting In Hockey

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Fighting in hockey shouldn't be allowed because it's dangerous for the players and hard to watch by some viewers. The fights can cause traumatic incidents that will be broadcast on live television for thousands of people to see, including children. There has been a recent injury that was broadcast on TV where a hockey player swung his foot up but caught another player's neck which caused the player to gash blood and later die from his injuries. This incident was a traumatic experience for the players that did it and for the fans watching the game. Since then, players have started wearing neck guards, but those don't completely project one's neck. Hockey fights have been a thing since the start of the National Hockey League in 1917. It is a …show more content…

This is not good for the team and the sportsmanship because this could cause a fall on a team. This is because to work as a team, you need all your players to have a good mentality when going on the ice. Conflicts will alter a teams performance due to the stress and anger being built up along with tension within the teams. Not only do fights in hockey bring in penalties, but also severe injuries as mentioned. In the article “should the NHL ban fighting in hockey”, they stated “in addition to the traditional fighting injuries – including broken faces, hands, noses and eye sockets – fighting in hockey can cause head trauma”. This quote shows how the injuries caused by the fights can be more serious than they seem. Not only can the players break bones, but they can also have life-long lasting head trauma. Last but not least, the players themselves want fighting in hockey to be banned and removed completely. As stated in the article. Most importantly, players want fighting to be eliminated. This is important because players' voices matter too. Not only do they not want conflict, but they want to stop injuries caused by fights as …show more content…

Fighting in hockey is something that'll always bring mixed emotions for fans and will be a part of the sport until action is made. Fighting is also liked by many people and the money brought in from those fans is enough to keep fighting hockey. Furthermore, fighting in hockey has both its positives as well as its negatives, banning fighting in hockey will make people happy but will also make the other side of the argument mad. There is no way to make both sides happy, which is another reason why fighting in hockey has stayed in the sport. Overall, researchers believe that fighting in hockey should be banned for player safety as well as because of all the downsides that come with a single hockey fight. Another reason why hockey should ban fights is because of the influence and examples it sets for younger generations. These kids and prospects grow up watching the sport and loving it and having the fights in the game will influence the kids to believe it is a right thing to do since it is allowed in the sport. They would also not see the dangerous aspects the fights bring to the sport since they haven't been on the fighting end. Fights have dropped in the recent years and the seasons, but this doesn't mean it has fully eliminated the problem. Fights still occur and are

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