Fiction Writing

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Fiction Writing

I sat inhaling and exhaling the sweet sent of this unfamiliar room. As

I sat on the solid cherry parquet floor with my back supported by the

dusty pink wall, tears of bleakness rolled down my pale cheeks. I drew

in a long breath of air in order to calm myself down. I had run up the

huge spiral staircase of this huge house, in less than a minute. As

adrenaline was still pumping through my body, I found a room to escape

my parents' annoying bickering. Earlier, when I had thrown myself

against the wall had hurt me so now with a tremendous amount of

strained effort I stood up.

Even through the grand oak door, which stood ahead of me like a giant;

the shrill tone of my mother and the bellowing of my father's voice

was hearable. This habit of theirs was getting tedious. It had been

less than five minutes that we had been at our new home, and they were

already fighting.

Blocking out their voices, I wiped of the remaining salty tears from

my damp cheeks. I turned to closely observe the room in which I was

hiding. I gazed around the room in awe. My surrounding captured the

wonderful beauty I felt from it within seconds. The charm the room

retained was amazing. The room so comforting to look at, yet, felt so


A spacious room, very feminine, it carried a sweet musky flowery

scent; produced by a small garland of red and black roses entwined

together like a grape vine. The entire room created a strange warm

feeling. The small glass brick window-opaque, allowed a sufficient

amount of light through it. Light however was not a problem. A

ferocious red fire blazed in a massive fireplace straight ahead of me,


... middle of paper ...

... my state of mind. All colours drained from my face. Walls, closing

in on me like the darkness. I desperately tried to draw in oxygen from

the small space, which had me caged in like an animal. Darkness was

dawning upon the room more rapidly, the three walls closing in on me

much faster, reckless faces looking bloodthirsty. The lack of space

was strangling me. A pair of blood shot eyes glared at me. I dropped.

Going limp I found myself staring at the vindictive pair of eyes right

above me, the ceiling had also closed in on me aswell. I was lying in

a box, big enough to be my coffin. I could feel the breath of the

women above me, icy and sour. My inert body lay still and hopeless. As

I blinked one last time as darkness and numbness enveloped me, my

heavy eyelids shut. Not knowing if they were going to ever open again.

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