Feudalism In Medieval Europe

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Feudalism was the way people lived in medieval Europe and is something people should look upon, even Alexander Haig public servant says so, “You have to look at the history of the Middle East in particular. It has been one of failure and frustration, of feudalism and tribalism” ("Alexander Haig Quotes"). In the Middle Ages people lived a systematic lifestyle that allowed for an easier life by establishing stable order, this system is called feudalism. Seignorialism later known as manorialism is a system that revolves around a manor, this system is essential to feudalism that helped provide for a working military and economy. Lords are of the noble class in the feudal system, there work is vital to feudalism and the manor allowing them to properly …show more content…

Vassals / lords were looked upon by kings as they were the providers of the king’s army. The reality of society in medieval Europe was that wealth and power differed, even with kings, some worked to maintain control and very few had enough wealth to have their own standing army (Frey 23). Kings who didn’t have enough wealth or power to provide a standing army relied on their lords to provide knights and soldiers (Frey 23). Lords promised to supply the monarch whether it be a king or queen with knights in times of war (Frey 22). Kings owned all the land in a kingdom and granted territories to his nobles in exchange for their military service, the nobles who got the land would then do the same and give the right to the land to other men who fought for him and the king (Manco). Therefore, if a king was to grant fiefs to a dozen barons, being lords, and the barons are said to supply the king with 10 knights, and then the baron grants 10 more fiefs to vassals, then they will be able to provide the king a standing army and fulfill his needs (Smith 3). Many contracts / promises are known as feudal oaths, one could be with a lord and his vassal with the idea that the knight will promise loyalty and military service to his lord in exchange of a fee or gift (Biel 9). This oath was called the oath of homage, which was for military purposes and has advanced to a political …show more content…

Once again, vassals / lords were looked upon to fulfill the needs of another level in the feudal system. Around 90% of Europe’s population during feudal times were made up of peasants (Hazen). Farming is a major part in medieval life as it is a way of surviving and to do so people needed land ("Focus on Feudalism and Manorialism"). Bandits were in the countryside looting and killing people at will, as a result of the fall of the Roman Empire peasants had no way of protection (Hazen). However, during the Middle Ages land ownership provided protection and land to farm (Manco). Vassals having gotten land from the king or a lord would then give it to other vassals until it reached the lowest level in society called a serf, serfs are a type of peasant that wasn’t exactly a slave but was literally tied to the property ("Focus on Feudalism and Manorialism"). Serfs would be granted along with the land, that is if the land was to be granted (Hazen). Peasants were grateful to live under the lords protection although they lived in horrible conditions, as they were able to sign with a lord acquire land to farm, and provide for their livelihood and family, but not only that they were able to be protected by the landowner being a lord or vassal, overall having their needs fulfilled from the feudal system (Jovinelly 6). On the other hand, serfs in return helped the lord fulfill certain obligations he

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