Fetal Circulation Lab Report

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Adult Circulation vs. Fetal Circulation
Tamie D. Harless
Biology 160
Section O1W
Instructor: Dr. Daniel Kifle

Adult Circulation vs. Fetal Circulation This paper will discuss the adult (after birth) circulation system, the fetal circulation system, and the major differences in each of these circulation systems. In this paper, “Circulation system” is referring to the circulation of blood throughout the heart, the lungs, and the rest of the body. It is important to understand the function and anatomy of the heart before attempting to understand how each circulation system works. There are two major circulation systems in which blood is circulated through the body. These two systems are cardiopulmonary circulation and systemic circulation. During cardiopulmonary circulation, blood is …show more content…

To summarize, the placenta is a vital organ for the fetus’ survival while in the womb. The fetus does not use its own lungs and digestive system, as they are not fully developed until after birth (Scott & Fong, 2017). The fetus receives its oxygen and nutrients from its mother’s blood (Scott & Fong, 2017). Interestingly enough, fetal blood and maternal blood do not mix (Scott & Fong, 2017). Once the fetus is born, the umbilical cord is cut, and cardiopulmonary and systemic circulation begin.

Burd, I., MD, PhD, & Kanipe, J., RN, BSN (Eds.). (2016). Fetal circulation. Retrieved October 30, 2016, from https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?ContentTypeID=90&ContentID=P01790
Karapetian, (Director). (24, April 23). Fetal circulation [Video file]. Retrieved October 30, 2016, from https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=fetal+circulation&qpvt=fetal+circulation&view=detail&mid=5CAF5DB3E57BE9BD89375CAF5DB3E57BE9BD8937&rvsmid=5CAF5DB3E57BE9BD89375CAF5DB3E57BE9BD8937&fsscr=0&FORM=VDMCNL

Scott, A. S., & Fong, E. (2017). Body structures and functions (13th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage

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