Fear Of Failure Research Paper

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We have trained many of our most successful students to work only for the grade. The grade being high, of course, but the amount of information we retain very low. When the grades our taken away, so is the validation of the good student. Most students are high GPA achieving students, not because they are smart, but because they know how to play the game of school. When it comes down to it, we work to score the highest grade we can, not learn. Short everyday grades do not help us to retain and keep the information we “learn”. Not only are we having to work for just the grade, short term grades, make students more focused on their GPA rather than getting the full extent of learning they can. Once the test is over, all the material we memorized …show more content…

Average grading diminishes a student’s interest in what they are learning and promotes fear of failure. The promoted fear of failure is the disadvantage of not having long term assignments. A student who has excellent thinking, but does not have the knowledge (for whatever reason) will get worse grades than one who just memorizes textbooks without actually understanding the essence of what they're learning. If we take away the fear of failure, we allow students to develop, flourish and become more competent. With students becoming more confident about their education, they begin to enjoy it more and set higher and higher goals for themselves to …show more content…

Student’s in this day and time are always asking the one cringe worthy question all teachers and professors hate after handing papers back, “Do we have to keep this?” As soon as students get their papers back, the first thing they immediately look at is their score. The second thing someone looks at is someone else’s score, making it seem as if their score determines how smart they are and if they are better than one another. Grades are a blight on education. Having long term assignments would greatly improve the ability of students and strengthen them in subjects more efficiently than the average grading system. In the society we live in today, people see grade point averages more important than the ability to talk in front of a classroom audience and the ability to write a five-page essay. Students do not withhold much information after being tested; quickly after the test, it vanishes from their minds. Grades are more of an ego booster rather than how much you know or understand the subject. We seem to not notice all the negative effects of grading until we put it in perspective or get rid of

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