Fear Of Becoming A New Mom

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I have this fear. My stomach begins to feel strange. My palms get clammy. My knees become weak, and my heart beats out of my chest, mangled with anxiety and passion. As thoughts of certain life rush through my mind, all I can think is an innocent soul is a precious phenomenon. I imagine that very day, and then welcome the implications of where my thoughts are taking me. I am nervous to become a new mother to say the least. It’s not really the fear of becoming a new mom, of course. Rather, it is the view of a long way to fail, What if I am not a good mother? My sense of security is screamingly existent. I can rely on my surefootedness, and the aid of my wonderful husband, Jeremy.

Being told I would never be able to conceive a child was the most deafening thought that ever could have crossed my mind. I’d seen so many doctors, but sadly none of them knew what was wrong. Finally, on January 7, 2015 I had a full abdominal along with a pelvic ultrasound conducted. When the results came in I was anxious of the news (not to nay-say) but I knew it would be bad. The conclusion was I, had a mild case of endometriosis- it is a chronic disease that most women accumulate throughout their lives. I was also informed that I had ovarian cysts and that my right ovary had no function what-so-ever. The pain was …show more content…

Each day is a new amazing journey that has completely shifted my focus and has made me realize that my life will never be the same. Finding out on June 9, 2015 that we were having a baby boy was such an overpowering emotion. In that moment, not only did I grasp the fact that I was going to have a baby boy, I recognized that I would be having a son in four short months. The first time I ever felt him kick was really bizarre, and he nearly scared the life out of me. Now I wait for his little kicks or, lately his gnarly head-butts just to say “hello”. The best thing to do now is sit and be

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