Epicurus Letter To The Pursuit Of Happiness

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The pursuit of happiness is one of the main goals of everyone. Many people might have different definitions and goals that will allow them to obtain their happiness, but in the end happiness is what everyone strives for in life. Epicurus decided to write a letter to present his stance and belief about the subject. Through reading this letter I was able to develop my own point of view and began to realize how much of what was said in the letter was true. Many want to obtain the maximum fulfillment in life and according to Epicurus, a person must obtain happiness, which is the maximization of pleasure. This letter was written to show readers a different way of looking at nature and value of life with the regards of death. Many are fearfully of death or the unknown elements that death might bring, but Epicurus believes that no one should fear death or what it might bring. According to Epicurus, “Foolish, therefore, is the man who says that he fears death, not because it will pain when it comes, but because it pains in the prospect.” Death has no effect or can do no harm to the dead since they cease to exist. Therefore, people should only be worried about aspects of life that affects them while they are alive. The irrational fear of death or seeing death as a bad thing, comes from the …show more content…

For those individuals that might feel that way need to look at the possible outcomes for both situations. Sometimes in certain circumstances the outcome that comes from immediate pleasure can cause twice as much pain, then immediate pain. The same idea goes for immediate pain, it might hurt terrible at the beginning, but by the end of it the outcome and the aftermath might have more pleasure than immediate pleasure. Like the famous sayings, “not everything that glitter is gold” or “the grass is not always greener on the other

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