Father In The Book Night By Elie Wiesel

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Elie Wiesel thought to himself "My father's presence is the only thing that is stopping me" (Wiesel 86). In Elie Wiesel book Night, he wrote about his experience of the Holocaust in Aushwitz, which is a concentration camp with his old father. At Aushwitz camp Elie and his father suffered from starvation, many hours of labor, and diseases. Suffering with all that, Elie's old father couldn't handle it. He was weak from not being fed well, not having any rest, and he was sick from the diseases that were going around the camp. Elie's father was old, weak, and sick he couldn't survive without Elie helping him. With Elie's father being alive and Elie having to take care of him, because he was sick of Dysentery and weak of lack of rest and worry about him and give him his own food, Elie's survival started to decrease. …show more content…

Elie had to give his father his ration of soup and bread so he can eat, because the SS officers weren't giving Elie's father any food, because they said that he will die soon and it'll be a waste of food (Wiesel 108). Elie gave up his food for his father, Elie was now suffering from starvation. Elie's father was sick and weak all he was doing was in cot with Elie watching over him. While Elie was watching over his father he said to himself "I no longer believe that he could still elude death. I'm doing all I can to give him hope, but it's just not there"(Wiesel 108). Elie knew that his father couldn't survive any

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