Fast Food Persuasive Essay

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The overly high obesity numbers of people in America are to be blamed on our food industry and not the people ourselves. Much controversy is caused by this topic, but it is more obvious that it is the food industry’s fault the numbers are so high. In the society that we live in most of the food we buy at our local markets are all genetically modified, which is highly unhealthy. We grow up thinking that what we hear from television ads and people in general is what we need to eat. For this reason mainly it is the food industry’s fault because of the little amount of money we need in order to receive in exchange for big or decent amounts of fattening foods. As tempting as all the fast food stops are, it us up to individuals to know their balances; …show more content…

From the film, “Fed Up”, Simon goes over how everything is made cheap aimed at the children mostly like happy meals and character based foods that attract. Happy meals are famous around young kids, and it usually comes with a toy. So already right there kids think that is what they are entitled to eat and will go on choosing Mcdonald's forever. Just because they have sides of apples or orange juice does not mean they are eating healthy. They are still taking in that hamburger and those fries filled with calories. Many people are also not aware that every fast food restaurant they are visiting for cheap food or just the regular food market overall is selling genetically modified food. From the article“Big Fat America”, Michael Maiello states that everywhere now in the food industry “genetic modifications is part of making food” (par 5). It is understandable that this is done because growing everything naturally will not make enough money and product for everyone; however, we as the consumers basically have no say in our health. Many individuals do not have access to those local fancy food markets that sell everything organic, and other needs to take …show more content…

In an online article from AdWeek about the famously cheap 7-Eleven soda cup according to Robert Klara, “Not surprisingly The Big Gulp has become a lightning rod in the public obesity debate…”. Here is even clear proof that these soda cups impact lives in real ways. The food industry plays good games on the consumers in making people spend money on what is believed to be a good bargain but it is mainly preparing us for possible obesity issues or diabetes. It is definitely believable that if some of these liquor stores that sell huge soda cups, chips, preheated hot dogs plus many more snacks were forced to include the calorie count in their products they would definitely make less sells. Also from the article “Big Fat America” Michael Maiello states, “Two years ago, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the paternalist in chief who never saw another person make a choice that he didn’t have an opinion about, forced chain restaurants to list calorie counts on menus. Worked like a charm. I haven’t eaten at a chain fast-food place since “ (par .11). Even though the author refers to fast food chains in his quote there is really no way that this would also not prosper in these mini street markets. Everyone has that one go to fast food when there is no time for cooking or maybe it is a no cooking day or a night out with friends, and for most people it is cheeseburgers.

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