Fashion Photography Research Paper

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What keeps you motivated and why do you like to do fashion photography? Why this specific genre of photography?
I’ve always loved photos and photography, I think the main thing that keeps me motivated with photography is the fact I shared the same passion for photography as my Father, I’m always looking through old images that my Father had taken and that is something that definitely keeps me inspired and motivated. I have always wanted to be creative in some way and I’m also a technology addict so I guess fashion, beauty and portraiture managed to bring all of these together.

Who inspires you and why?
I’m inspired by loads of different things rather than anyone in specific. Stuff like movies, TV, album covers and of course, photographs. I’m always researching and looking into new and old things wishing I were that good! I’m also really inspired by the …show more content…

I don’t really have any favourites because I love reading into loads of people’s photographs whether they’re something I like or not. I like to visualise and pick out my favourite elements in people’s photographs but If I was going to name photographers that really stood out to me I would say, Rankin, David Lachapelle and Miles Aldridge.

What is your favourite thing about being a fashion photographer?
I think my most-liked thing about being a fashion photographer is the rawness and how creative you can actually be with it. I love creating and looking at images that create a fantasy-like, fashion scenes. That can be by location, styling, lighting or even the pose. I think really I just love how free it is. There are no limits within fashion photography and that is the best part of my job.

What is the worst thing about being a fashion photographer?
Well, the legal contracts and papers for the shoots...I HATE IT.

Do you have a favourite look/style?
I’ve always got lost with thinking that I have a style as I get disinterested quite easily but I like portraits that are raw

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