Fanon, Kanye, and Gandhi

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Gandhi and Fanon both believed in what was correct and just. They believed that the man should be free, especially if they are being controlled by the colonists’ ideals. This was the case for both Algiers and India. These two countries were being controlled by that one principle of the colonizers which is that they are better and therefore should be in control. In the case of India, they were being oppressed by the British and deprived of having their own land for themselves. Then there was Fanon’s battle, which had a different approach to it. The French were the ones colonizing Algiers and they were being repressed into living in misery and oppression. They understood that the colonization of people not only affected them physically but also mentally. It would not let them progress even if after they are liberated from the colonizers ruling. Which brings us to the perfect example of Kanye West; he is a modern public figure that wants to send the message of awareness of the racism still present to this day. But the fact is that the only reason he’s ‘fighting’ is so he can have his own seat at the table.

Fanon stated that in order to achieve liberation we need violence. He clearly says, “But it (decolonization) cannot be accomplished by the wave of a magic wand, a natural cataclysm, or a gentleman’s agreement”(3) It was and is a vital part against colonialism and imperialism. Because not only do the colonized have to fight for liberty they have to dominate those once colonized centers. When they fight for liberty the natives become united. That is his first strategy in order to obtain decolonization.

In the second part of his argument he talks more than just about violence. His focus is now how to use it better and more effec...

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...ul, impacting, and wise in towards what actions should be made for liberation. Both of these figures wanted the same goal, freedom. But this does not necessarily means that the approaches to achieve this goal were the same. After all they do share similarities, which their ideas agree in especially when it comes to the decolonization of men and how their minds will shift or change because of these actions. The influence that the colonizers had on the colonized was so much stronger than just violence, battle wounds, and scars. It was also something intangible, deep down inside in the colonized’s brains. They, just like Kanye, weren’t satisfied with just having freedom and being united as a country, they needed more, and that is to become bigger and better than their own worst enemies.

Works Cited

The Wretched of the Earth
Mahatma Gandhi Selected Political Writings

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