How Successful Was Gandhi Dbq Essay

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In the year of 1919, a crowd of 379 nonviolent protesters were murdered by British Indian Army troops. These protestors were killed because they were Indian. Racism was already existent in many countries that were colonized by Britain. Gandhi, a social reformer came to a realization that Indians deserve equal rights and that such acts were in humane and unacceptable. So what made Gandhi’s peaceful movement such a success? It was his civil disobedience practice, which he reached through nonviolent protests, embracing the enemy, and accepting jail time. You cannot fight the enemy in order to restore peace. Gandhi practiced nonviolent protest in civil disobedience which was the refusal to contribute to certain laws or to pay taxes in a peaceful protest. He applied this method to his life and effectively got his message across. “I cannot intentionally hurt anything that lives… even though they may do the greatest wrong to me and mine.”- Gandhi (Doc A). This displayed great disobedience and strength that most could not obtain to their lifestyle. “The Western mind finds it difficult to grasp the idea of nonresistance.”- The Dharasana Salt Works, Mme Naidu (Doc B). The Western culture clearly did not …show more content…

Accepting jail time encouraged his people to change their defenses in a nonviolent way. Gandhi talked about how he did not go into jail to experience misery and pettiness, but instead to spread his message. It was a way for him to spread his message of peace and understandment especially to those who were being treated poorly. “Everyone was firm in his resolution of passing his term in jail in perfect happiness and peace”- Mme Naidu (Doc B). Maintaining the mindset of peace and optimism in prison was extremely effective in the success of Gandhi’s non-violent movement during his time in prison. His arrest wasn’t fair, but he used it as a learning and growing

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