Family Separation In The Film Under The Same Moon

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Under the Same Moon is a film of sadness, sacrifice, joy and love are. This is the story of Rosario and her son Carlitos living in different countries. Rosario crosses illegally to the United States looking for a job, and like many immigrants, she hopes to one day bring Carlitos with her. Meanwhile, the child who was five year old, lives with his grandmother in Mexico. When the grandmother dies, Carlitos decided to find his mother. It has been four years without seeing each other. Now at the age of nine, he is wrapped a dangerous trip crossing illegally to the United States. Carlitos never told his mother that he was going to look for her, so he did not have any address. The only clue he had to find her was the description she gave him from the pay phone where she call him every Sunday at 10am. It was necessary that Carlitos found that place before his mother called, otherwise he would never find it. On his traveling, …show more content…

A well-known story by most immigrants who leave behind their family and arrive in another country looking for a better job to support their families in their native country. However, the consequences of family separation are awful. Shifting the Center states that “The pain of family separation creates various feelings, including helplessness, regret, and guilt for mothers and loneliness, vulnerability, and insecurity for children” (Ferguson, 2007, p.404). In other words, family separation is a really high price paid for both, parents and children. That is the reason for which most parent become “trapped in the painful contradiction of feeling the distance from their families and having to depend on the material benefits of their separation” (Ferguson, 2007, p.409). Sadly, most of these parents don’t have a choice and have to leave their families. Otherwise, their children would be lack from the most essential necessities of a human being such as food and

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