Family Court Observation

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On January 25, 2018, I traveled to the Provincial Court of British Columbia in Victoria. I personally observed one case of Criminal Remand as well as multiple cases in Family Court. I learned a lot as this was my, first impression and experience within any criminal Canadian courthouse. I learned so much information that was provided by Regional Coordinator, Tanya Driechel and a lawyer from the courthouse. They were full of information about the significant cases to them, levels of court, but also courthouse etiquette. For the most part, the most information they did mention was basic, but still a great refreshing with some newly added stuff. I understood to be silent, dress appropriately and to turn off cell phones prior to arriving, but I …show more content…

They were so calm, professional, and somewhat quiet, which I was not expecting since I've only ever seen or heard of lawyers on television or from news reports. The crown was wanting a slightly higher sentence, but his defense was trying to lower it. There was no avoiding punishment, just lowering it and both parties understood that. The judge mentioned there was a strong emotional victim-impact statement from this abused woman, which was confusing since after he was in criminal remand messaged him first. I guess there still is a love connection for her to contact him. I also found it surprising that the man's own mother did not show up, making this man alone in court with no family members. Maybe the mother purposely missed court or didn't want to see her son. Regardless, it showed to me or suggested that his home life or upbringing might have been difficult since the social connection wasn't strong enough for a loved one to show up and support …show more content…

The woman was wanting her ex-husband to pay child support to both their biological kid and 16-year-old step child who was from one of her previous relationships. The man was just wanting to pay for their biological son since he does not have contact with the step-child and it is not his biological kid. Personally, I have not experienced divorce or understood what happens when divorced couples go to court. I did not think that divorced couples would stand side by side with their lawyers nor talk directly with the judge. I thought everything had to to go through their lawyers before talking with the judge. It was weird seeing the anger and tension between the couple in public over their dispute. Just from their voices, it was interesting. In the end, the judge agreed with the man and allowed him to stop paying for the step-child. The judge also told the woman to find the biological father for continued child-support payments for her older child. I thought that was very reasonable and logical, but the woman was angry. Once again it shows how much power a judge in court can have on

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