Fair Use Tale Trial Analysis

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Today I am going to be explaining exactly why Professor Faden’s video ‘Fair(y) Use Tale Trial’ has caused a great deal of problems, due to the appearance of it being copyright. At a first look the video just screams copyright, anyone could agree with that. But with a little dedication and a fair amount of research, It's clear the purpose of the video was education and parody. Point, blank, period. The reason it is not illegal is because these two factors (Education and Parody) fall under Fair use, Professor Faden did not violate any copyright laws in the creation of the video. He took several creative works and transformed them into a ten minute educational video on fair use and the laws of copyright. Not only was the video beautifully structured, it was quite entertaining. The mash up of multiple colorful movies put together in such a short amount of time is absolutely extraordinary. His video was exactly like a remix, it actually was a remix. So isn't remixing legal? Do you see songs that have been remixed being taken down off the internet everyday, claiming fair use? No i didn't think so. Because the right to remix/mash has NEVER been illegal, so why is it a big deal now? I think it's because Walt Disney Studios is a company based off money, they don't want anyone making money off their own creations. But i haven't mentioned …show more content…

I firmly believe that he could recognize copyright with just a glance. And i'm quite sure he knows the fair use factors, which is why he created what he did, and how he did. The education factor is in play. The parody factor is in play. The only factors left out would be criticizing or commenting, and news reporting. There is absolutely, without a doubt, NO copyright violations within Professor Faden's video. This is the last and only time i'm going to say this. Professor Faden is innocent, he has committed NO crimes! I rest my

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