Fahrenheit 451 Technology Essay

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“Technology… is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other.” - Carrie Snow. This quote says that technology can bring such good to humankind but simultaneously hurts humankind as they use and improve it. Technology can teach and bring information to people around the world yet it can also overtake people and turn them into clueless humans unaware of their surroundings. Technology is good in the ways that it makes life easier for humans and helps them learn. However technology is bad in that it absorbs people and changes them. In the book Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradburry the main character Montag discovers how negatively technology impacts the people around him. However in the book the …show more content…

Technology can be very beneficial and improve life for all humans. Technology is used for many things like entertainment, research, teaching, learning, and even saving lives. Advancements in technology save people's lives by being able to scan entire bodies and find what is wrong much faster than any man or woman ever could. Without technology in cancer treatment and surgery the mortality rate for many diseases would be much higher. Technology has also become very important in how people learn today. Books can be converted into the form of technology and contain information of the past that help humanity avoid making the same mistakes. With inventions such as the iphone and computers people have an endless stream of information right at their fingertips. People no longer have to look everything up in an encyclopedia or go to library every time they have a paper to write. Everything they need is online. Technology also allows people to travel, and experience different cultures. People used to only be able to travel by foot, or on animals. Then they traveled by boats and then by cars and planes. Each year traveling technology is improving. Technology has even brought us to the moon. Now you can fly across the world and even into …show more content…

Technology is beginning to replace the real world. Technology can absorb people and make them oblivious to everything around them such as how Montag’s wife was obsessed and in a way brainwashed with TV and watched it all day, and interacts with the virtual reality people she sees. Just as Millie interacts with her TV in the book today people interact with technology using things like virtual reality googles . This is just one example of technology taking over, there are much worse examples in the book like the mechanical hounds which physically controlled people by injecting poison into people to stop them from doing things society disapproves

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