Facebook Thesis Statement

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1. Title: Facebook: From a Social Media Platform to a Violation of Personal Privacy and Information

2. Thesis Statement:
Facebook social media platform must reduce its way of trafficking data and gathering data without people being aware of it. They should reconsider personal space and must not interfere personal privacy and information in any means. People are not very much confident about their privacy on Facebook anymore because it has lost its edge.
Type of Claim:
" This type of claim is called 'Claim of policy'. In this claim, a bunch of actions and ways must be taken so that the goal can be achieved. Here we find solutions or we suggest solutions to the matter which is reconsidering the issue and getting out of personal space is …show more content…

(n.d.). Retrieved from http://fortune.com/2018/04/11/mark-zuckerberg-facebook-data-testimony o Mark Zuckerberg, under questionaries' by U.S. officials, said Facebook Inc. gathers data on users who aren't even enlisted as clients, recognizing something that has been accounted for however not openly explained by the organization. "As a rule, we gather information on individuals who are not agreed to accept Facebook for security purposes," Zuckerberg said Wednesday in a hearing in regards to the interpersonal organization's protection hones in Washington before the House Energy and Commerce Committee. His examiner, Representative Ben Lujan, a New Mexico Democrat, said the training makes "shadow profiles." o "You've said everybody controls their information, yet you're gathering information on individuals that are not even Facebook clients who have never marked an assent, a security understanding," Lujan said. Zuckerberg said the training was planned to help keep malignant on-screen characters from gathering open data from Facebook clients, for example, names. "We have to know when some individual is endeavoring to more than once get to our administrations," he …show more content…

As we know complete control over data is impossible while you have control over your data as well. Sometimes the vulnerability is your own fault of not securing your information or carelessly doing it will be the result of this misfortune. So, we have to take the accountability of our own laziness not putting all the blame on the company.
8. Picturesque Language:
" Milord, J. (2018, April 25). Your Phone Call History Is One Type Of Data That Facebook Can Store About You. Retrieved from https://www.elitedaily.com/p/what-data-does-facebook-collect-the-company-can-store-info-about-your-phone-calls-8631437
" "Oh wow my deleted Facebook Zip file contains info on every single phone cellphone call and text I made for about a year - cool totally not creepy,"
" It creates a picture of how dangerous using Facebook is. Even after deleting your account, there is the probability of your data getting handed

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