Extreme Social Control In New Middletown

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Angus Poon Extreme Social Control How would you like to live in a world that's emotionless? In a city called New Middletown where this was happening, Max’s family and friends were anxious to get out of the city. You may be wondering how is social control so harmful? What outcomes could happen from extreme social control? Does extreme social control lead to crime or a better town? How is extreme social control harmful to the citizens of New Middletown. How is social control so harmful? The government uses social control in situations when there is a riot that can’t be controlled, but these children would have been controlled without it. The government doesn’t care what’s right or wrong, they just want to make their city more successful, …show more content…

In the story, after Xavier got Nested, he wasn't feeling well and started to puke. Nesting can also result in harmful side effects. For example Extreme social control can lead to Freaktown. This is important because in the story freaktown is a town of freaks but when max makes his escape from New Middletown max was afraid of freaktown because the tv show made it look like it was a horrible town with creepy freaks but when they got there everyone was nice and not a freak but if the government continues to nest in could become a freaktown because everyone has no emotions. Does extreme social control lead to crime or a better town? Extreme social can lead to a number of things like war if everyone is nested and just follows orders then the government has a mini army at his command. Extreme social control can go both ways it could lead to crime and violence but it can also lead to a better town if nesting the citizens will help make the New Middle town a safer place. If New Middletown was full of criminals and they all got fascinated it would mean that extreme social control would make the town peaceful and joyful, but New Middlestown is not a crimeful town except for the dresser that steals from everyone other than that New Middletown is a normal town that doesn't have much crimes so i would say that i some way extreme social control leads to a better

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