External Validity

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Standards of quality:
According to Robert Yin (2013), construction validity, internal validity, external validity, and reliability are four commonly used tests for establishing quality case studies. Therefore, this study will use these tests to ensure standard of quality. Construct validity is the establishment of correct operational measures for the concepts being studied. Internal validity is the establishment of a casual relationship, whereby certain conditions are shown to lead to other conditions, as distinguished from spurious relationships. External validity is the establishment of the domain to which study’s findings can be analytically generalized. Reliability is the demonstration that the operations of the study, such as the data …show more content…

Research should consider the use and sharing of information during the study. A researcher is ethical when she or she gains permission before accessing and sharing information. Public information such as website data generally do not require permission. However, access to private information such as business plans and personal data require prior approval. The researcher in this study will ensure that prior approval is gained for all private materials. Once access is gained, the researcher will maintain all reasonable measures to safeguard access private information to prevent damage or loss. In addition to protecting access to information, the research must also be sensitive to what information is presented in the final report to prevent harm to the business or participants involved in the …show more content…

The business representatives will be used to uncover themes and connections related to assessment of the company, evaluation of the market, sales, potential customers, and financial plans. The school decision-makers will be used to uncover information related to assessments and requirements of educational technology to promote the use and adoption in the classroom. Teachers will be studied to understanding how educational technology products and service are used and adopted in the

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